
What does Aranyani Mean? 

Aranyani is the Hindu goddess of the forest and the animals within them. She is known as being the protector and guardian of the forest and its beings.

Traditionally in India forests are viewed as the primary source of life and fertility, as a community model for societal and civilizational evolution. Living by diversity, harmony, and a self-sustaining nature. Living in the forest is not a condition of primitiveness but one of conscious choice. Indian culture considers the forest as the highest form of cultural evolution.

As a source of life nature is regarded as sacred and human evolution was measured in terms of man’s capacity to merge with her rhythms and patterns intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. 

This concept is exactly what Aranyani is established for, so when I found Aranyani the goddess and her and the forests meaning to India, I knew she encapsulated the core values and motivation behind what I want to help create.


The future of Aranyani

Aranyani is more than a brand, for me it's the foundation and precursor for my dream and my ultimate goal with this project.

My first goal is to establish a secure financial income for myself through Aranyani and/or other means to allow for creation and manifesting of the future I dream of. That all starts with being able to self-sustain without relying on a 9-5 job that I'm unhappy with.

The products for sale are my movements toward that goal, and every single purchase is very appreciated. Thank you so much for choosing to support a small business! <3 Your impact is immeasurable.

Ultimately, I dream to one day establish an eco-village that is loving, harmonious, self-sustaining and allows Aranyani to truly live up to its name.